Club Policies
Lake Superior Figure Skating Club #1001043
Incorporation Date: February 18, 2020
Constitution Established 1978
Policy Revision Date: April 23, 2023
Constitutional By-law #42
“Policies are made by motion of the Executive and are binding on successive Executives until changed by a new motion. Policies must be recorded separately for easy access.”
Lake Superior Figure Skating Club Policies
Policies Revision Date: April 23, 2023
Club No.: 1001043
John Rhodes Community Centre
260 Elizabeth Street
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 6J3
Club Email:
Approved: April 23, 2023
Club: Lake Superior Figure Skating Club #1001043
Incorporation Date: February 18, 2020
Constitution Established 1978
Policies Revision Date: April 23, 2023
Constitutional By-law #42
“Policies are made by motion of the Executive and are binding on successive Executives until changed by a new motion. Policies must be recorded separately for easy access.”
SECTION 1 General Information
SECTION 2 Code of Conduct
SECTION 3 Code of Ethics
SECTION 4 Rink Etiquette
SECTION 5 Refunds and cancellations
SECTION 6 Guest Skaters and Coaches
SECTION 7 Professional Development and Bursaries
SECTION 9 Skater Level
SECTION 11 On-Ice Expectations
SECTION 12 CONCUSSIONS and Head Injury Prevention
SECTION 13 Media and Publicity
SECTION 14 Changeroom
SECTION 1: General Information
- Ice time lost due to disciplinary action will not be eligible for monetary compensation.
- Music programs will be played from a prearranged list or according to attendance on the ice. Skaters may not request their music be played. Coaches’ requests take precedence but are limited to one request per 15-minute lesson.
- Meetings of the Board are not open to club members and coaches (with the exception of the Director of Coaching). Should a club member or coach desire to address the Board, they may make a request, to the Board Secretary two (2) weeks in advance of the next scheduled Board meeting.
- Should a club member or coach desire to address the Board, they may make a request to the Board or to a Board Member two (2) weeks in advance of the next scheduled meeting.
- The Annual General Meeting is open to the public and member attendance is highly encouraged. This meeting is scheduled in September each year.
SECTION 2: Code of Conduct
The Lake Superior Figure Skating Club (LSFSC) is committed to ensuring a quality experience for all members. All members of the LSFSC are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the values of LSFSC, which include fair play, integrity, open communication and mutual respect.
The following Code of Conduct shall apply to all members of the LSFSC:
- Members shall treat all individuals and property with dignity and respect, including but not limited to peers, athletes, coaches, officials, parents, opponents, sponsors, media, and spectators and event organizers.
- Members shall refrain from any behaviour or comments, which are sexist, racist, abusive, disrespectful or otherwise offensive.
- Members shall avoid any conduct, which brings the Lake Superior Figure Skating Club or the Team, into disrepute, including but not limited to abusive use of alcohol, non-medical use of drugs and use of alcohol by minors and gambling.
- Skaters are to attend the sessions designated to them. Skaters seeking permission to skate during another session must consult the Director of Skating in advance of the session. NO CanSkate (beginner) group lessons are to be given on Junior, Intermediate or Senior time.
- Members shall at all times adhere to the policies, procedures, rules, standards, and ethics of the Lake Superior Figure Skating Club.
SECTION 3: Code of Ethics
Ethics, ethical: relating to morals or moral principles; philosophy which treats human character and conduct of distinction between right and wrong, and moral duty and obligations to the community; from the Greek word theos meaning character.
Figure skating coaches have the fundamental responsibility to promote figure skating and to coach to the best of their ability. Inherent in coaching is respect for people regardless of nationality, race, creed, age, sex, politics, social status or physical ability.
The current version of the Skate Canada Code of Ethics can be found here:
Of the utmost importance, is the responsibility to the skaters.
They are athletes to be trained but also individuals who are developing values and beliefs which will last a lifetime.
Obligations to Figure Skating
- The coach has the personal responsibility for teaching skating and for maintaining competence by committing to continuous professional learning. They should update and expand their knowledge of skills and disciplines beneficial to figure skating such as sports medicine, psychology, music, choreography, etc.
- Maintain the highest standards of coaching.
- Maintain standards of personal conduct which reflect credit upon the profession, especially while working and when dealing with the media. They should be dependable and honest.
- The coach shares responsibilities with others to initiate and support actions to meet the needs of figure skating and follow all Skate Canada’s Code of Conduct.
- The coach should sustain a cooperative role in determining and implementing desirable standards of coaching and education as well as active in developing a core of professional knowledge. They should also participate in establishing and maintaining equitable working conditions in skating.
- The coach must guard against making promises or giving guarantees with regard to passing tests and/or placement at competitions. Care must be exercised when a coach evaluates a skater that They does not confuse the evaluation with absolute assurance of success.
Obligations to Professional Colleagues
- It is unethical to criticize another coach’s teaching methods and/or techniques. Respect another person’s opinions.
- It is unethical to solicit, directly or indirectly, another coach’s students.
- When a coach is temporarily giving instruction to another coach’s students due to absence of that coach, They must be cautious in his/her relationship with that student and instruct the student in areas requested by the original coach. The student should be referred back to the original coach when They returns.
- When a skater decides to make a change from one coach to another, it is a matter of professional courtesy to make sure the original coach is aware of the change and that there are not any outstanding bills.
- When a skater takes instruction from two or more different coaches in different categories of instruction, there must be a complete understanding among the coaches that they teach only the categories agreed upon.
Obligations to the Skater
- Same as the obligations for Figure Skating.
- A coach must provide the amount of service promised at the fee agreed upon.
- A coach must treat all his/her students fully as well as other skaters in a club.
- A coach must honour all contracts signed and not enter into commitments which They knows cannot be kept.
Code of Ethics for the Board of Directors and Club
Our Board consists of five individuals, including the Director of Coaching, who serves as a liaison for the coaching team. To avoid conflicts of interest, no other coach may serve on the Board, and no two family members may hold Board positions simultaneously. If the Board consists of fewer than five members at any point during the term, the Board may fill the vacant positions at its discretion.
Obligations to Figure Skating
The club promotes the sport of figure skating through the availability of practice time and qualified coaching. The club shall abide by the rules as set down by Skate Canada and respect any decisions recommended by either Sectional/National Board Members.
- Board Members shall demonstrate a high level of personal conduct which gives credit to the sport of figure skating and provides a good role model for skaters.
- Club decisions shall reflect the written policies of the club. These policies must be clearly defined and made fully public.
- All members and coaches shall be treated fairly regardless of nationality, race, creed, age, sex, politics, social status, or physical ability.
- Make policies and procedures or manage the affairs of the Club in accordance with Skate Canada
- Make policies and procedures relating to the discipline of Members and have the authority to discipline Members in accordance with such policies and procedures.
- Make policies and procedures relating to the management of disputes within the Club and deal with disputes in accordance with such policies and procedures.
- Employ or engage under contract such persons as it deems necessary to carry out the work of the Club.
- Follow registration procedures, and other registration requirements as determined by Skate Canada
- Enable the Club to receive donations and benefits for the purpose of furthering the objectives and purposes of the Club.
- Make expenditures and access credit for the purpose of furthering the objectives and purposes of the Club according to these By-laws, ONCA and the Club’s Policies and Procedures;.
- Perform any other duties from time to time as may be in the best interests of the Club.
Obligations to Coaches
Generally, once a club has entered into either a written or verbal agreement with a coach to teach at the club, the club shall co-operate with and support the coach with regards to the technical aspects of club skaters. The club should provide a vehicle for the coach/coaches to voice their concerns and ideas regarding the affairs of the club and working conditions which are conducive to the development of skaters as individuals and as athletes.
Specifically, members of the club shall:
- When hiring the coaching staff, take into consideration a coach’s NCCP level and professional membership as well as coaching skating experience and qualifications (this information is available upon request);
- When hiring the coaching staff, the Club will abide by Skate Canada’s minimum requirements for professional coaches;
- Set out at the beginning of the year what is expected and the responsibilities of the coach;
- Honour all coaching contracts and provide the revenue for services at the fee agreed upon;
- Treat all coaches on staff fairly and equally; at no time should any special treatment be given to one or another by members (recognition for special occasions, bereavement, etc.)
- Respect a coach’s teaching methods and judgment regarding a skater’s readiness for testing.
- Not solicit directly or indirectly another coach’s students for a particular coach.
- Not interfere with a coach-skater relationship unless agreed upon by both parties.
- Not fire a coach for unjust reasons or become slanderous towards a coach.
- When advertising to attract coaches to a location, provide information which correctly represents the current number of students and teaching hours available.
- Not hire additional coaching staff at any time without the knowledge and discussion of the coaches presently at the club; this includes guest coaches either in person or virtually. Decisions made for skaters involve the skater, their primary coach, and the parent(s) – not exclusive of any one of these parties.
- Hire only the number of coaches that is required through the assessment of the needs of the club and its skating members.
- Members shall at all times adhere to the policies, procedures, rules, standards, and ethics of the Lake Superior Figure Skating Club.
If someone wishes to appeal any personal application of this Code of Conduct, such skater shall submit a written appeal to the Board within 5 days of the report of the Club. Such appeal will be immediately investigated, a hearing shall be given to the skater and any decision thereon shall be binding upon the skater.
SECTION 4: Rink Etiquette
Etiquette for Skaters
- Skate with your eyes up.
- Look both ways when entering the ice.
- Learn to maneuver skillfully around other skaters.
- Respect the right of way of the skater whose music is playing in a lesson and those in a lesson.
- Call out “Excuse me” or “Head’s up” to alert inattentive skaters.
- Practice spins in the centre ice area.
- Get up promptly after a fall, when possible.
- Be polite. Foul or abusive language is forbidden.
- Control your behaviour on the ice.
- Avoid socializing during a session.
- You must leave the ice when speaking to anyone in the stands
- Clear the ice promptly at the end of a session.
- Gates (doors to ice surface) must be closed while sessions are in progress.
Etiquette for Spectators
- For skater safety, watch from the stands, not by the boards.
- Refrain from talking to skaters on the ice.
- Gates (doors to ice surface) must be closed while sessions are in progress.
- Please do not bang on the glass, slam doors or engage in any other type of activity that is loud and/or distracting to skaters’ on the ice.
SECTION 5: Registration and Payments
Registration and Payments
- Payments may be made in full at time of registration or installments through on-line payment system available on the website. Installment payment schedule is set up as automatic withdrawals based on the schedule agreed to by the Board of Directors. The installment payment program is available to all members registered in any of the LSFSC programs. First payment is due at registration.
- For liability reasons, skaters will NOT be permitted on the ice prior to registration and payment.
- Any skater, who during the course of the season moves to another level, will be required to pay a pro-rated fee determined by the Registration Chair Treasurer.
- Canadian Funds accepted only. The LSFSC is not able to accept US cheques.
- The Family Plan discount applies to two or more skaters. A discount of 20% will be taken off the second skater registration. A 50 % discount will be provided to the lowest registration rate when 3 or more skaters from the same family are registered.
- Each individual who registers as a member with the LSFSC is required to pay the posted annual non-refundable Skate Canada membership fee for Skate Canada membership & insurance. This fee covers all programs which fall within the current skating year running from September 1st to August 31st.
- All skaters registered in the STARSkate program (Jr. Star, Intermediate and Senior levels) /Competitive program are required to pay a $100.00 mandatory Skater Development fee at the time of registration. LSFSC requires all Star Skaters/Competitive skaters to participate in all club fundraising events.
- Test and competition fees are posted on each skaters' Uplifter account and must be paid ASAP once notification of charges have been emailed. A skater who is in arrears will not be allowed to compete or test.
Registration Packages
- Programs fees are based on various factors including, but not limited to, ice rental rates and registration numbers ensuring quality programming and covering all associated costs.
- No refunds will be provided for missed sessions due to illness, travel, cancellations, or holidays for any StarSkate or Competitive registration packages.
- Registration packages offered for the StarSkate Intermediate and Senior level programs may include sessions of group instruction which will be denoted as such on the posted calendar. Group lessons over 15 minutes will focus on jumps, spins and/or field moves. Group lessons of 15 minutes will generally involve stroking only. These group lessons are priced into the registration fees.
- Any off-ice programming is separate from the registration packages, unless specifically noted.
- All fees for testing and competitions are separate from the registration packages.
- All fees for private lessons are separate from the registration packages and will be billed directly by coaches and must be paid directly to coaches in a timely manner. A coach who is not being paid in a timely manner reserve the right to cease coaching until fees are received and/or a mutually agreed upon plan is in place. In such cases, the matter will be addressed at the next scheduled board meeting and the board can revoke or suspend membership and restrict access to ice time.
- The board will assist a coach in recovering a skater’s unpaid fees; when necessary, unpaid coaching fees in excess of 3 months and no agreement with the respective coach is in place, will be billed through the skater’s uplifter account and registration for future programs will not be permitted until the full amount is recovered – an administration fee of $25 will also apply.
Members in Arrears
- A skater who fails to pay registration, fundraising fees, test fees and/or competition fees for a period of 3 months or more; or by the end of the season (whichever comes first) will be considered ‘Not in Good Standing’ and will not be permitted to participate in any programming until all monies owed are collected.
- All outstanding payments for the season including, but not limited, to test fees, competition fees and registration fees are to be paid through Uplifter with debit or credit card. No exceptions.
SECTION 6: Refunds and Cancellations
Requests for Refunds
- All requests for refund must be made in writing to the LSFSC by way of mail or email, and will only be given up to the first four weeks of skating. All written requests for refunds must be made within 7 days of the skater’s last day on ice.
- After the first 4 weeks of skating, fees will only be refunded with a medical note from a Medical Doctor/NP/Chiropractor for injury or physical illness that will prevent the skater from participating for the remainder of the year. All fees for a medical note are the responsibility of the skater.
- Any exceptional circumstances such as a relocation of family to another town or compassionate reasons must be requested by way of letter (mail or email) to the LSFSC board. The letter will be presented at the next scheduled Board meeting and must gain approval by Board majority for refund.
- All refunds will be processed less an administration fee of $25.00 and the non-refundable Skate Canada Registration fee. All refunds are prorated and will be determined by the Treasurer based on how many sessions are remaining. STARSkate level refunds will be made on a prorated basis commencing on the next full month following the request.
- Skate Canada fees are non-refundable.
Ice Cancellation
- The Club reserves the right to change, cancel or reschedule any sessions, depending on the number of registrants.
- Changes to the schedule will be posted on the website and communicated by at least one of the following methods: the club's social media, email or posted in the display case at the arena. It is the responsibility of the skater to frequently check the schedule on the website for changes.
- Should the City of Sault Ste. Marie cancel ice due to scheduling conflict, the LSFSC is not responsible to replace such ice time lost.
- Should a session be cancelled due to weather or other unforeseen reasons beyond the control of LSFSC, the club is not responsible to replace such ice time lost.
- Refunds will not be provided for changed, missed, or cancelled sessions.
SECTION 7: Guest Skaters and Coaches
Guest/Drop-In Skaters
- A guest skater is one who is not registered in any LSFSC club skating program and must be registered with Skate Canada.
- In order to arrange sessions as a drop in skater, the skater must notify
- Guest skaters may receive skating lessons by contacting a coach that has availability in their schedule.
- A Guest Skater fee of $25.00 shall be paid in advance of the session through Uplifter to cover ice expenses. Printed voucher must be presented to the Coach at time of use.
- A drop-in skater is one who is registered with a LSFSC skating program and wishes to take advantage of additional hours of ice will be charged $25.00 through Uplifter. Printed voucher must be presented to the Coach at time of use.
Ticket Ice for LSFSC Members (Adult and Junior Star Skaters)
Ticket ice is for club members who wish to take advantage of additional hours of ice.
$25.00/ session
Guest Coaches
Out-of-club coaches must meet the following requirements in order to work with
skaters at the Lake Superior Figure Skating Club:
- Request permission, in writing, from the Board of Directors
- Provide a copy of their valid Skate Canada Membership and proof of NCCP Certification; both must be in good standing.
- Are only permitted to coach their own skaters unless they are a secondary coach to an LSFSC skater.
- Cannot coach any of the LSFSC group sessions i.e: edge/spin sessions etc.
SECTION 8: Professional Development and Bursaries
Bursaries, Ice Shows, Galas and Exhibition Skates
Bursary Fund
Bursary fund may be offered to
Star 5-Gold/competitive skaters who have qualified to compete at the Skate Ontario Provincial Championship or Skate Ontario Sectional Competition.
Where the skater is:
- An active member representing the LSFSC and has paid registration fees beyond the Skate Canada fees
- A member in good standing
- Has assisted in club fundraising through volunteering at a minimum of one fundraising event and also engaged in a minimum of one non-mandatory fundraising activity during the current season. Volunteering must include both the skater and at least one member of the skater’s family, however does not need to be at the same event.
- For a bursary to be granted, a skater must apply for the bursary by addressing a letter directly to the Board upon qualifying. If approved, the bursary will be awarded directly to the eligible skater(s) upon the completion of the event.
- LSFSC will cover all expenses for the Director of Skating from LSFSC to attend Skate Ontario Provincial Championships, Sectionals, Skate Canada Challenge and Skate Canada National Championships. If the Director of Skating is unable to attend, they can designate a certified coach to attend in their place.
- Each September, the bursary policy will become active for the current skating season - September 1st – August 31st. The board will allocate a portion of fundraised dollars annually to the bursary. At the Board’s discretion the amount of the bursary awarded will be dependent on the number of eligible skaters applying and the amount of fundraising dollars available.
Bursary Fund Professional Development
A Bursary fund may be offered as financial support to a skater/coach undertaking to further or enhance their coaching level or skills. The Bursary will cover registration fee up to a maximum of $500.00.
- The skater/coach must be a member in good standing at the LSFSC.
- The bursary will be granted upon successful completion of the course and submission of Skate Canada Certificate, to the Board of Directors, identifying completion of all necessary components.
- The skater/coach must commit to sign a contract with LSFSC to engage fully in a minimum of one weekly program for one full year. Failure to honour this commitment will result in the applicant forfeiting the bursary.
- Applicant will be required to reimburse the LSFSC Board the entire sum of the granted bursary.
- For the bursary to be granted, the skater/coach will need to apply for the bursary by addressing a letter directly to the Board stating the purpose of the bursary including the course name and destination. This letter should be sent to the LSFSC Secretary or President in order to be placed on the next Board agenda. The letter of request will need to be sent to the Board one (1) month prior to the registration date. Letters received after the payment of registration will not be considered.
- Applications for bursaries will be considered on a first come basis, based on the date of receipt of the written request to the Board, as well as taking into account the needs of the club in terms of coaching staff.
- A yearly maximum of funds will be allotted and available for skater/coach upgrading which will be determined by the Board based on available fundraising dollars each September. Any requests received after the maximum funding cap has been reached, will be deferred to the next skating season and will be placed as priority for consideration by the Board.
SECTION 9: Skater Level
Classification of Intermediate and Senior Star Skaters
- The benchmark for an Intermediate Skater is star 2-4.
- The benchmark for a Senior Skater is Star 5 level and/or 14 years of age and under the age of 21.
- The Director of Coaching makes the final determination in special circumstances which do not align with above.
SECTION 10: Standing Committees
Standing Committees
- Expenditures over $100.00 must be authorized by the Board.
SECTION 11: On-Ice Expectations
Expectations for STAR Skaters
The following ice rules will be adhered to by all skaters both on and off the ice:
- Do not step on the ice for a session until the Ice Resurfacing Machine doors are closed and at least one coach is present.
- Do not kick the ice, use foul language, or engage in inappropriate behaviour. Skaters will be given one warning and then be asked to leave for the remainder of the day.
- Proper skating attire is required (no jeans); hair should be neatly tied up.
- No food, drink or gum should be taken on the ice – except water bottles.
- Skaters are asked to clear the ice promptly at the end of the session. The Ice Resurfacing Machine is not permitted to start resurfacing the ice until all skaters are off.
- Be alert for other skaters at all times. Listen for solo music and identify the soloist.
- If skaters need to speak to their parents in the stands, they need to get off the ice to do so. If a skater is speaking to their parent in the stands they are not focused on the activity on the ice.
- In the playing of free skating music, priority will be given to lesson requirements.
- Priority of the right of way will be as follows:
- Coaches
- Skaters in a lesson with music
- Skaters with music
- Skaters in a lesson
- Free skating will not be allowed during the dance / skating skills sessions.
- In the playing of dance / skills music, preference will be given to lessons.
- Do not leave any valuables in the Dressing Rooms.
- Keep Dressing Rooms clean and tidy.
- No socializing on the ice during skating sessions.
- No chewing gum on the ice.
- No electronic devices or headphones to be worn on the ice. The club is not responsible for any damage to or loss of any electronic device that is brought to the ice pad by a skater.
- Stroking is a mandatory part of our skating program.
- Parents will be made aware (in writing) by the Board of Directors of a skater who does not follow the rules and ignores warnings on a consistent basis.
- Parents must not approach the coaching staff once a skating session has begun unless there is an emergency.
Ice Rules for Program Assistants
- Required to wear black leggings and/or black sweatpants and their LSFSC allocated PA jacket provided by the club. No shorts allowed for Program Assistants. The PA’s will be given one in the event they forget.
- Must adhere to expectations set out in the PA training manual.
SECTION 12: Concussions and Head Injury Prevention
The club adopts the Skate Canada Concussion Policy in its entirety. A copy of the Skate Canada Concussion Policy will be posted on the club website and will be available at the ice pad in the club cabinet. Rowan's Law (
A skater who sustains a concussion or is expected to follow concussion protocol must provide the club with a doctor’s note prior to returning to the ice OR must provide a note from a concussion specialist that indicates the skater is involved in a formal concussion program and based on the program, the skater is ready to resume ice activities. These include concussions sustained during skating and otherwise.
Skate Canada mandates all STARSkate skaters to obtain a Concussion Baseline Test. This assessment must be completed prior to September 1st of each program year. A hard copy of your certificate is to be given to the Director of Skating. If unable to print, an email copy may be sent to The skater will not be permitted on the ice without the completed document received.
The Vice President will notify the Board of any skater(s) who have suffered from a concussion, and this will be discussed at regularly scheduled Board meetings. The Board, in consultation with the Coaches, may require any skater to wear a CSA approved helmet or an approved alternative for all ice sessions.
Helmet Safety
All Skate Canada member clubs who offer a CanSkate program must ensure all CanSkate and Adult CanSkate participants up to and including Stage 5 must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet while on the ice. This policy also applies to all other Skate Canada programs, therefore anyone who lacks good control/balance when skating forward, backward and has difficulty stopping, as well as maneuvering around obstacles on the ice must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet.
Please refer to the link below for the Skate Canada Helmet Use Policy.
Safe Sport Guide (
SECTION 13: Media and Publicity
The Lake Superior Figure Skating Club’s social media platforms (including, but not limited to: Instagram and Facebook) exist to provide an interactive, fun and respectful environment where anyone from across the country, or around the world, can find information about our events, skaters, programs and more.
We look to all social media users who follow or interact with our platforms or run/participate in/are affiliated with our programs or events, to abide by our social media policy as detailed below.
The Lake Superior Figure Skating Club (LSFSC) expects all of its skaters, parents, coaches and other registrants to act in a manner on social media which abides by the Skate Canada Safe Sport framework and policies, in particular the Membership Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Policy and the Code of Ethics which apply equally to behaviour on digital platforms, including all social media applications, as they do to interactions in person.
Any registrants, officials, or volunteers experiencing bullying/harassment/discrimination or other unethical treatment via social media are encouraged to contact the LSFSC and/or Skate Canada to file a complaint and to not engage in any form of retaliation (physical, verbal, emotional, digitally via social media, or other methods). Additionally, non-registrants are expected to uphold the same Safe Sport values and policies when interacting with the LSFSC and its followers on social media, in accordance with the Skate Canada Membership Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Policy and the Code of Ethics. Failure to abide by these values and policies may result in being permanently blocked from the LSFSC’s social media platforms, and, in the case of registrants, risks termination of registration.
When a user shares content to any LSFSC social media platform, the user certifies that they are the owner of that content and have permission to post it, and also agrees to give the LSFSC perpetual and irrevocable rights for use and/or for repurposing of that content, royalty-free and without requirement of notification of use by the LSFSC to the user.
When a user shares any LSFSC social media content, the LSFSC must be credited appropriately.
The Lake Superior Figure Skating Club may record, film, photograph, audiotape or videotape skaters’ work and performance (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Works”) and to display, publish or distribute these Works for the purpose of publishing or posting on the LSFSC website, Facebook page, posting on social media sites and/or for broadcasting on television or radio as determined by the LSFSC. This policy is agreed upon during the registration process on Uplifter.
Change Room Policy The aim of this policy is to provide coaches, board members, parents and skaters, or any other person associated with the LSFSC, with guidance regarding conduct in and around change rooms as well as changing protocol with regard to the changing of their attire.
While this list is not exhaustive, it will serve as a basic guide and will be reviewed annually. The policy may be subject to immediate change to reflect a change in the constitution or particular circumstances that may arise.
The Lake Superior Figure Skating club recognizes the value in supporting a team spirit, inclusive environment both on and off the ice.
1. All change rooms are designated as co-ed. Therefore, skaters are only to be changing footwear in the change rooms. Skaters needing to change outfits are expected to use the privacy of the washrooms in the facility. It is understood that there are times where male or female parents/chaperones may need to enter the change rooms to assist younger skaters.
2. Children and Youth in the CanSkate, PowerSkate, Jr Star and Intermediate program must be supervised at all times and are the responsibility of their parent(s) within change rooms and/or around the arena.
3. Dressing rooms should be exited in a timely fashion after each session and are to be left clean.
4. Dressing rooms should be entered cautiously to ensure hockey teams and other ice users have exited the change room. Parents should review proper etiquette and procedures for entering a dressing room as hockey teams will often change after a practice. Knock first, open door slightly and ask if anyone is in the change room before entering.
5. Bullying and inappropriate behavior and language within the dressing room area will not be tolerated.
6. Respect other skater’s belongings. Do not move another skater’s personal items to sit in a certain spot.
7. Lake Superior Figure Skating Club is not responsible for any valuables that are lost or stolen from the dressing room area.